New director Undugu Society of Kenya

This week we got notice that the USK has a new director and he was directly inquired about the Undugu Oasis project by de Undugu Vriendenkring. His response was positive!

The Idea to improve the Mathare hall at the Mathare Valley site is highly welcome. The Hall is still dilapidated and any effort towards renovations would help USK utilize this facility as an income generating activity and eventually the cash would help sustain some children in the UBEU School in view of phasing out of KNH support.

Undugu Oasis delayed

One of the local partners for the Undugu Oasis project experiences some struggles that will cause delay of the project. We received word from the interim director:

“Sorry for not getting back you earlier with regard to our application.  I would like to suggest that we push this to next year if that is okay to enable us deal with some internal reorganization. It will be much clearer then the direction Undugu will take with regard to UBEU Mathare. Please note that we are still committed to this project which we believe will greatly add value to Undugu’s work.”